Consultancy in the microfinance industry

Based and due to its Founder’s professional background, Sefini Consulting offers Microfinance Consulting Services for launching or expanding Microfinance Institutions or programs, within public or private sector.

The aim is:

  • setting up and growing self-sustainable programs for financial and social inclusion of marginalized group of people, willing to establish entrepreneur activities.
  • to empower entrepreneurs to run their entrepreneur venture/business successfully.

There are a number of proved –effective microfinance institutions in EU countries.

Hence, we believe it is possible to develop or improve Microfinance as an Inclusive form of finance according to proclaimed standards in the European Code of Conduct. Those standards provide benefits for Financial Institution if it complies with them. European Commission adopted them in 2015. Benefits are access to Employment and Social Innovation program- EaSI created for better employment possibilities in Europe.

Especially important instrument is a guarantee fund that enable easier lending since certain larger part of the risk of bad loans is taken over by the EIF -European Investment Fund. The purpose of the guarantees is to leverage the effect of microlending.

We refer and offer our Microfinance Consulting Services to the following entities:

  • State institutions and policy makers
  • Banks
  • Microfinance providers and other financial institutions
  • NGOs


Services relate to Counseling for micro-lending program in portfolio, risk and delinquency management, and/or non-financial – Business Development Services – BDS program, which includes: mentoring, training, workshops, counseling, etc.

Mentoring, is a form of support and a way of transferring knowledge and experience to entrepreneurs. There is always a valuable knowledge to be shared with them or the challenge they need advice for.

Moreover, for the start-up entrepreneurs, mentoring help is necessity, they need help in defining steps and guiding through administrative procedures. They need help in communication with tax authorities. They need guidance, help or assistance in funding process and application for sources.

Sefini Consulting provides Mentoring services, based on experience from previous work.