EIT Community Booster: Startup Acceleration Call

CALL for startup and scaleup businesses in the field of Green & Socially Sustainable Manufacturing

For startup or scaleup developing innovative solutions that make Europe more sustainable, inclusive and improve citizens’ quality of life.

EIT Community booster program for business growth conducted by EIT Manufacturing, EIT Digital, EIT Climate, EIT Food, and EIT Urban Mobility through the ACCELERATION program,


Four (4) selected startups receive finance of € 15,000 to accelerate their growth. In addition, they receive customized access to market and financial services package of € 35,000, which are designed by the Business Creation Team – EIT Manufacturing.

Selected startup companies receive:

Customized for access to market support, namely expansion to new customers and expansion to new countries with the advisory support of 10 Business Creation managers from different parts of Europe.

Customized support for access to finance refers to expert support for fundraising, consideration of potential financing by EIT Manufacturing and presentation to VC funds and investors who finance startups at an early stage.

Access to the EIT Manufacturing network includes:

  • Access to the EIT Manufacturing network with more than 60 pan-European partners, which come from industry, academia and the RTO
  • Invitation to join the Club of CEOs of young startups within EIT Manufacturing
  • Participation in a broader portfolio of EIT Manufacturing activities and programs
  • International visibility and publicity through EIT Manufacturing communication channels

The main areas of funding relate to:  Green manufacturing and Socially sustainable manufacturing.

In more details, this includes:

Green manufacturing

  • Low environmental footprint solutions
  • Solutions related to decarbonizing manufacturing processes and maintenance
  • ‘Locally’ manufactured and delivered solutions
  • Circular economy solutions
  • Urban manufacturing solutions

Socially sustainable manufacturing

  • Efficiencies related to manufacturing processes and maintenance
  • Co-working solution man-machine and automation solutions – Human-machine co-working and automation solutions
  • Agile, flexible, and resilient supply chains
  • Inclusiveness and quality of experience (including aesthetics) in manufacturing processes and solutions

Criteria for application – We are looking for startup companies that:

  1. Actively striving to grow businesses
  2. They have already showed customer growth
  3. Have been operating for more than 1 year
  4. With a dedicated team that works full time and a head office that is registered in any EU or Horizon Europe associated country, including Serbia and the Western Balkans.
  5. They want to advance their business development efforts
  6. They have been already looking for or planning to approach equity investors.


For info at office@sefini.rs, SEFINI is a Service provider for EIT Manufacturing.

Reference email address: business.creation@eitmanufacturing.eu

Detailed information for manufacturing businesses at: https://eitmanufacturing.eu/eit-community-booster/

Detailed info for businesses from other areas (other 4 EIT bodies), check at: https://www.eitdigital.eu/our-messages/calls-tenders/eit-community-booster/

Applications are now open until December 17th at 23:59 CET. Application link is on above web addresses.

Good luck!  EIT Manufacturing for EIT Booster Program