Our team work is flexible and relates to projects requirements we have been engaged for.

We help private businesses sector to get finance for growth and modernization in order to sustain, adjust and develop in challenging times.

We are a reliable partner in providing consultancy advice and an associate in the management of business processes for the private sector clients and public entities in the areas of acquiring appropriate funding, in order to starting, developing businesses and as to adjusting to a newly set economic regulation.

Our services tackle a wide range of issues and shape activities of companies from planning and strategy development to capacity building and performance improvement, as well as obtaining and supervision on finance through different sources. Sefini Consulting gathers experts with a strong practice background from diverse experience which is utilized to serve our clients providing a solution of complex issues and challenges.

Our experience is not limited only on consultancy, however it extends on operations management concerning providing finance for business sustainability and development of our private sector clients.

Sefini Consulting is based in Belgrade and operates in Serbia, with an extended coverage of clients in the Balkans countries and wider in Europe.

With the advantage of being located in one of the most dynamic and transforming regions and with a well developed network of associates and experts, we are in a process of extending business activities in Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania mainly in identifying and providing funding for business growth and modernization of MSME clients.

Forms of funding are not just limited to the banking loans, moreover they cover different models of Equity finance, or receivables financing through Factoring and Supply Chain Finance.Sectors

Sectors of support:

Private sector Funding and Business Finance

  • Serbian state support
  • EU Funding and Western Balkans Funding
  • International organization Funding

Fintech Cooperation, utilization and solutions

  • Cooperation with Fintech companies
  • Fintech solutions for Banking and Financial sector
  • Fintech utilization in the domain of Regulation, infrastructure and sector support

Digitization of private sector entities

  • Management of the process
  • Strategy for digitization

Innovation support

  • Support for innovative products, services and business models by finding funding resources
  • Networking and impact on different business stake holders

Sefini Consulting provides business consulting to Fintech companies, Microfinance institutions, and individual small businesses how to develop sustainable business model.