On-line course “Become an Expert for Conversion Marketing”

How to become an Expert for Conversion Marketing – from personal perspective

During the recent 2 months, and for a duration of eight weeks, I attended an on-line course: Become an Expert for Conversion Marketing’, developed by marketing studio Default Design from Novi Sad. As I know, this is the first education on noticed topic in Serbia, hence I could say for myself, I continued to custom “early adopters” behavior for some certain and new ideas, jobs or activities, alongside education in this case. Simply, when something attracts me, I do join and engage, and it’s not hard for me to invest time, effort, and money to comprehend and discover the value of my interest and how important or applicable it could be for me, presently and in perspective.

The LeadCon Online Marketing Conference

Looking back, how I came to decision to study the broader sphere of digital marketing and give a trust, to the agency Default Design, which was founded by a fellow named Dimitrije Ostojić and who has been successfully leading a team of young and professional people for digital marketing. Trust is usually not easy to deserve, at least not quickly, and in my case, I firstly experienced their online LeadCon Conference in September 2018.

On-line education

I discovered the info about the Conference, accidentally and due to my curiosity and the need to “pick up” the part of today’s digital marketing knowledge. What I came across is a high level of expertise and knowledge about the marketing automation by the conference host and its guests. Only, my level of knowledge about the subject reached to the matter of copywriting because it was a field I could follow and possibly try to apply. At that time, I was not able to follow lectures related to marketing automation techniques and tools. Selling funnels were a new term for me and I did not consider such technique too important.

I adopted some general concepts from the conference, realized the meaning and importance of digital marketing and was grateful for the constant access to the material of the lectures. This is the value you will inevitably receive as LeadCon Conference or education attendee.

New, annual Conference on online marketing trends

This year will be held in September 2019. I recommend anyone who need and want to learn about various digital marketing topics and get in touch with technique and trends to register on Link for registration for the upcoming LeadCon Conference


Shortly about, or what to expect from LeadCon on-line Education

Online learning

After my first experience with Default Design in 2018, I adopted slightly some aspects of digital marketing, but still watching it as tool for posting news and articles on networks. My job is not doing digital marketing for clients, but still I has feeling I needed to know more broadly. Then they offered a new  and unique training, named “Expert for Online Conversion”, which is more wide-ranging than digital marketing, refers to any type of private, entrepreneurial or small business, and implies that the benefits of online business and the core marketing activities are taking place on the internet today, whether it is about digital or physical products and services. Conversion marketing implies and targets results from marketing activities.

8 Moduls for 8 weeks

The course guides attendees through 8 modules: from how to attract potential customers, previously interested visitors to our website, and in our offer or “our story”, how we should convert them into subscribers and then bring them with careful personal communication to buyers and loyal brand ambassadors. The course includes the steps of analyzing and designing who our customers and competitors are, through creating adequate content and copywriting, marketing campaigns and tools that enable us to automate marketing processes, to branding and creating brand ambassadors. So, we start as every start-up project from the beginning, like to whom we sell, and build a well-grounded foundation for the story, using the benefits of the Internet, relying on process automation and global market potentials.


My motive and expectations from Conversion Marketing course

My motivation to sign up for the Conversion Marketing Expert Course comes from the need to adopt new and current ways of marketing for the current job of the representative and sales of software products, as well as my own consulting focused on entrepreneurs and small legal entities. Moreover, it is necessary that through communication and the exchange of knowledge and experience I should better define my own offer, which is partly in collaboration with partners and associates of similar or complementary knowledge. So, the initial idea was literal in particular: I want to learn on: How, on more easily ways, to present and sell the products and services from my offer.


My first expectation and understanding

I expected to learn about the technique, and then I realized, from the module -1 that the first step has to be research, analysis, reflection and definition. Fortunately, my previous job was in good piece of analysis of the state, finance, credit portfolio etc. Hence, the first assignment did not hit me hard. As education goes on, from week to week, we moved from the general idea to ​​the details, although the educator occasionally reminds us on the first instance and reverts us to the general picture. We learned the technique, but we were returning to the question “why do we perform any of these activities”?

The technique of on-line marketing,  marketing campaigns and the application of automation tools are the key part of the course, and this is what helps us, shortens the time of communication with clients and facilitates the whole story. All in all, after 8 education modules, which are the online support and automation of marketing communication with clients, you will understand the essence of today’s approach to marketing, which in its application is completely different from the marketing that I had studied long ago, during my economics studies.

What are “outcomes” – from mine angle?

Now, after the course finished, lessons and homework completed, and the final exam passed, I can say that this course has opened the door to what we need to make our product or service successful “out in the world” at the same time gave me the framework in which I plan to organize and run a couple of future projects. The course also has the dimension of fair relationship and treatment for the buyers and the public in general. The relationship with clients based on honest communication, reciprocity, giving value beyond what has been expected is what I support. I understand the essence of fair business relationship with clients and I try to apply it. I recently wrote a blog post and recommend you to read it. Educators tips in this direction are the element more for supporting and recommending the Course: Become an expert on online conversion.

Interested participants, for the next Octobers class, can sign up via the link LeadCon Education

Therefore, knowledge are actual and practicable, based on the experience of both lecturers, proven by technique and confirmed tools, as well as the example of fair customer relationships. These are the basic features of this course. At the same time, the energy, attention and enthusiasm of the lecturers are at a high level. Well-designed lessons, content is relevant, homework demanding, but not too much, format quite good. If I had any advice, in terms of what might be better, it would be to include a case studies of their clients with specific problems. In general, they share their own experience. This is what I recommend after passing some short online courses on the British platform – Futurelearn. Showcase of the status of a specific business before and after implementing strategies, techniques and experiments for on-line conversion would be a useful upgrade content.


Briefly and summing up

Community learning online

I’m glad I attended as the first-generation on the Course “become an Expert for Conversion Marketing”, and I wish to the Default Design team, first of all to Dimitrije Ostojić and Nemanja Živković, to give some large number of this one or other marketing lessons.

I hope that besides the knowledge that I am already beginning to apply, I have acquired a network or a community of friends and associates with whom I will be able to exchange ideas, dilemmas and my own experiences.

The next cycle of education begins in October 2019. Now with gained experience, new attendees may expect even more quality content and performance from the Default Design Studio.

A new group is in forming. Hence, Interested and prospective participants, may register via the link LeadCon Education.

During next stage of the Course, we all will have the opportunity to communicate as members of a special community in a closed Facebook group. Welcome there!