Venice Declaration

23th June 2017 in Venice – During the last EMN Conference, participants adopted and signed Venice Declaration, with the aim of promoting microfinance in Europe as an instrument for a safer and more sustainable community from a social and financial point of view.

We, the undersigned, underline the importance of inclusion of all:

We wish to create opportunities and inclusion paths to empower citizens that allow them to participate fully in the real economy. We envision a society in which nobody is excluded and where those who want to start new ventures, consolidate existing businesses, or satisfy life improving personal needs, have access to the full range of appropriate financial and support services. We also subscribe to the

UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly with respect to:


  • SDG Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms.
  • SDG Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth employment and decent work for all.
  • SDG Goal 10: Reduce inequalities.


We want to tackle this challenge through our microfinance institutions, together with social banks, and we invite practitioners and policy makers in Europe to work with us.